Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was informed on Monday or Tuesday of this week either before class or after class that the Kuk Sool Won association is changing somewhat of the techniques & the moves with in the forms!!!  See i had ordered a text book to help me before my 1st testing. But it didn't come & it still hasn't come & was informed like i said above before class or after class that the Kuk Sool Won association is rewriting all the text books!!!! I'm kinda outraged by this all! But my Sensei has told us everything & he explained that as a school he as the right to either stand up & say no or just go along with the changes that the Kuk Sool Won association is making in the Kuk Sool Won style. They are going soo far as to changing the uniforms too!!! But my Sensei said that he is going to be against it cause he wants to continue to teach the traditional way. For there are stories & history behind every movement within Kuk Sool Won! & I'm soo glad that he's doing that. He also explained that -that would mean he wouldn't be in the Kuk Sool Won association or the association over him. When my book comes I'm probably going to make new changes to it. so that it would be the traditional way instead of this more modern way that the Kuk Sool Won association thinks it should be teach now instead of the ancient way that it has been teach for hundreds hundreds & hundreds of years!!!! But my biggest worry or fear is would i still be able to get my black belt & if not would he just hold it in our school & not go to the main one in Tomball TX to get tested for the black belt because of the change that he is soooo against!!! 
I wonder if they are going to change the patches as well!!! For i want the traditional ones!!!
I realized at that moment after my Sensei told us that & what he is going to do that i was in the right school that God wanted me to be in!!!

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Young Warrior,

    Great news that you are starting your own notebook. You wont regret it as long as you keep up with it.

    Thats the main point - you ask about whether to have 1,2 or more notebooks - you need to make sure you keep up with the note making and reading of those notes. If they are scattered in different books will you read them and use them? If so, then do whatever works best for you.

    I keep all mine in the same book. Only now I'm having to start a new book because the first is too full!

    Give it a go and see what is best for you. You may change your mind as the years pass and that is fine. Its your notes after all.

    Best Regards
    PSBN Jon
