Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finally Ready!

Its been a good month & a half since ive injured my right shoulder grappling in Kuk Sool Won
but im soo ready to get back into it. Ive been away from it too long the reason why i say that is beacuase i have lost everything that ive learned & was also preparing for a testing that was to take place last saturday the 22nd of January. But im sure that if i just go to class & review for a few weeks then it will all come back to memory i hope lol. So that i can do my makeup testing. But there is a good thing that came out of this injury that i got a boyfriend that was a Godsent! Now that i have him i have to figure out a way to spend time with him during the week since now that i will be going back to Kuk Sool soon hopefully.  I'll figure out something!
Lu 루 Keep Kick'n It UP!