Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Right Shoulder Injury :(

I didn't know that i would be walking out of my dojang with a kinda major injury well to me it is! I when to class on 12/6/10 i made it through the beginners class fine but it was the advance class that did go to good intill the last few minutes of class! We were grapplin gon the floor & some how i got out of it but then we when for it again as this little dude somehow turned me my right shoulder / arm went into a totally weird position & he was putting all hes weight on my right side then of a sudden i heard a crack!!! i was yelling in a very soft voice to stop but he kept on going intill i said it for the second time! good thing my KJN was right there! He's studying sports therapy & he checked it out! I couldn't hardly drive home it was soo painful!! i then tried to go to work the next day but once i got there i realized that i needed to go to the docs & rest this shoulder. The doc ordered X-rays & i didn't have a dislocated shoulder nether did i fracture the bone. Then i went to this other doc & he told me that i didn't tear anything but i would be out for a good 6 wks or more! He gave me some exercises to do. Im been doing some of them & i can see the improvement!! but hopefully i can test on Jan 15th if not when i get back they are going to allow me to do a make up test! During that 1st couple of weeks i kinda got into a light depression cause i wanted to go to class but i knew i can't! :( But that has passed. Now my shoulder still hurts but not like a few weeks ago! I wonder how do i know that it is all healed up? of course the pain will be gone tho but still how do i know! i guess im gonna have to call the doc's nurse & ask her to talk to the doc himself!
Lu 루 Keep Kick'n It UP!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Injury / Blue Belt Test Preparation

Its been awhile since I have posted & though I would give ya'll an up-to-date on what ive been up to in kuk sool!!! Well the last post that I had injured myself by doing an inside kick. Well it took a few days to heal & was totally fine buy the time Monday rounded around.

I kept my main focus on my sohn Mohk Soo’s & my spin kick as well but now im more focused on my blue belt form more than anything! For I have to do the FULL FORM but the only thing is I don’t know at least half of it.!!! My testing is less or equal to a month’s time away!!! Im still kinda worried about the spin kick in general but that’s only one of 2 things that I have to do perfectly to get my blue belt! The 1of 1 is that super hard spin kick! I don’t care what anyone says about that one kick. Its different for everyone what I mean is it could be super easy for some & super hard for others & well im one in the super hard group but im trying though. The thing that is im discovering that my left is better then my right kinda I think. But im still searching & still discover which leg is my strongest leg for this one specific kick in general! For when I do find it then that one leg right or left would be the one in which I will do the break on.

Im not even yet worried or even started studying the terminology part of the test yet! But it may start catching up to me.

I hurt my left wrist again! I did it by actually I have no idea well maybe it had something to do with the techniques that we were going over for an whole week! BUT the good news is that its returning to normal on a fast pace! Hopefully in 2 or less days I wouldn’t have to wear this wrist bandage on it! Well tonite’s class & for the rest of the week is all Sparring & Grappling!   In which I sometimes don’t really enjoy but im beginning to do a transaction into actually liking sparring & all that good stuff! But for sure im going to be wearing a forearm pad & a everlast gel hand pad that is for grappling.

The Good thing is Ive got all the sohn mohk soo’s down & now I have to just get them in it memory / muscle memory as well!!!

Lu 루 Keep Kick'n It UP!