Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was informed on Monday or Tuesday of this week either before class or after class that the Kuk Sool Won association is changing somewhat of the techniques & the moves with in the forms!!!  See i had ordered a text book to help me before my 1st testing. But it didn't come & it still hasn't come & was informed like i said above before class or after class that the Kuk Sool Won association is rewriting all the text books!!!! I'm kinda outraged by this all! But my Sensei has told us everything & he explained that as a school he as the right to either stand up & say no or just go along with the changes that the Kuk Sool Won association is making in the Kuk Sool Won style. They are going soo far as to changing the uniforms too!!! But my Sensei said that he is going to be against it cause he wants to continue to teach the traditional way. For there are stories & history behind every movement within Kuk Sool Won! & I'm soo glad that he's doing that. He also explained that -that would mean he wouldn't be in the Kuk Sool Won association or the association over him. When my book comes I'm probably going to make new changes to it. so that it would be the traditional way instead of this more modern way that the Kuk Sool Won association thinks it should be teach now instead of the ancient way that it has been teach for hundreds hundreds & hundreds of years!!!! But my biggest worry or fear is would i still be able to get my black belt & if not would he just hold it in our school & not go to the main one in Tomball TX to get tested for the black belt because of the change that he is soooo against!!! 
I wonder if they are going to change the patches as well!!! For i want the traditional ones!!!
I realized at that moment after my Sensei told us that & what he is going to do that i was in the right school that God wanted me to be in!!!

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Driving to Classes

Ya know the funny thing is almost every time I’m either coming to class or going home I’m getting in almost near messes!!! Specifically Wednesday nite ( 14th of April) coming home!!! I was at a major inter selection in my city that I live in. Anyways I had the right-a-way & as I started to get into the middle of the inter selection this car comes flying out & almost hits me!! I hook my car horn but luckily we didn’t ended up face to face car wise. Plus he was suppose to me yielding me in the first place!

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wisdom From One Of My Senseis'

Last nite at Kuk Sool Won we were broken into two groups. So my group was mostly all white belts & only 2 people out of that group were white belt yellow stripe (one of which was me! lol). We did form 1 thats all we did & some drills. But i got to improve my form . Which its almost at the state of being prefect!!! But when he asked us who here learned something. Of course some of the white belts raised their hands but I didn’t because being an upper belt I felt awkward about it so I didn’t even tho I did learned something. He had to do the form 1 20times & before that he broke us up into 2 lines or groups. We had to move together kata together count together!!!  He said something that night that I will never forget. Here he is giving is wisdom. But I can’t remember if it was said word to word like this but it was something like this. - 

Martial arts is not just another after school activity & you don't form around it. You make time for it. You let it form around your life. It a way of life!

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not the Newie Here!

Last week we were getting some new members in.

I was preparing for class & before class my sensei said to me right after I bowed into go warm up before class. He told me that he wanted me to meet this person so I followed him out of the dojang & met this lady & he told me to be her partner through out the class & make her feel welcome. So we talked a little bit be fore ( I reentered with a bow) into the dojang & was helping her stretching as well as answering any questions that she had. Now I know how it is to train someone when the class is going a little bit ahead but luckily it was just grappling! :)

So she was asking me all kinds of questions & of course I didn't mind at all!! I told her how I found the style of martial arts & what I read online about if the style you picked is the right style but anyways. like I was saying I told her how then after settling one Kuk Sool Won & then doing the research for the school closest to me. When we were doing something & stopped & asked me Lu what is shrimpping & i showed her without the sensei noticing to much or not at all.  But even tho im a white belt yellow stripe i can still train someone! I would like to partner up with her again & train her the white belt forms!!! I can remember my first 3 months i wanted an upper belt to help me out with the form training!!

I did tell her about the testing saying that u have to learn 1-3 forms & 1-5 techniques but i reinsured her that within that amount of time she will have it down to pass! But the one thing i wished i told her was to go to a testing to see what its going to be like. Thats what i didn't do & i was all freaked out & worried to the max!!!  After class was done i asked her if she would be coming to the next one & she told me she would but never showed but you know stuff can happen but i wonder if i actually scared her? Any advice on what to do the next time my sensei wants me to partner up with a newie?? What should i say & what not to say.

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weight Loss Thoughs

As most of  ya'll know Easter is pretty much over!! But the candy is still around the house!!! That is due to my Aunt giving my grandma candy &chocolate!! Its always hard to resist the chocolate & candy as well as potato chips!!  I don't know if i can lost anything because of this! Cause it would be like this : pig out then work out & work off that i pigged out on! So i just i have to get some will power somewhere but where though???
But on the other hand everything around me no matter where i go people are like are you losing weight . U look great what are u doing!, Something looks different about you! I guess that Kuk Sool Won is really toning up my stomach area as well as other parts of my body! yea!!!
Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy At Last!

The storm that I though was going to be rough turned out to dissipated & clear up!!!

What I was talking about above refers to the previous post.

When I went to class last nite everything was back to normal!! I was soo relived & happy too!!!

That class was the most fun class that i have ever been to since I started there! there were only 3 of us girls that nite. So we were practicing this one technique that u do after the person kicks to the side of u. It was soo much fun. So my sensei showed us girls a little bit more. then we were practicing on each other going around in a circle intill he told all of us to stop then he had us girls line up & then he had the boys or shall I say guys or victims lol. line up be height according to our height! Then they came & kicked & we blocked & caught the kick then we took a step forward & jammed our elbow into their thigh!!! lol it was soo much fun :) :P

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back to class But was a real nightmare!!!

Well I felt glad to be back in my Kuk Sool Won school after about a week that felt like an enterity!!! When i got in there - there was only one student besides me & i saw another 2 walk in later but i though it was odd that we didn't start class like we always did & my sensei told us 2 to practice on our techniques then comes walking into the school this guy that i never saw before in my life well since i started there.
He asked my sensei if we were ready for him & then he went & changed & surprise he was ( I hope) just an guest instructor for only that class & not hopefully the rest of the week!!! You’ll will find out later why im saying all of this. He told us his background in martial arts in the different styles he has studied & the years to! So he had us warm up a different way then we usually do. At first it wasn’t bad but after we did a few warm-up drills & got to this one where we were galloping like horses then that’s when my big left toe started to hurt but I pressed on. We were doing this one technique (I don’t know if its from another style like Tae Kwon Do  or not) where one person stands in a left stance & the other person is gonna kick u full force on your upper thigh ! & of all people to be paired up with I got the guest instructor!!! Well at first I didn’t think it was going to be that bad but after the first kick/hit I knew I was in trouble!! So I just gathered up my guts & when the next kick hit came I knew I couldn’t continue but I just prayed to God asking him to help me survive the class!!! So the 3rd kick hit came & it hurt sooo much!!! Then the guest instructor moved on & then I was starting to get scared of him but it wasn’t that bad he would try to kick me but I blocked (like how he showed me how to do) then I did a round house kick & he slapped my foot & man did it hurt!!! We did that for about 3 times. Then I just couldn’t take any more so I asked him if I could PLEASE get some water & he allowed me to do so & I kinda escape for alittle while intill another instructor came in & told me to get back into the class .

The one thing I didn’t like was that our instructors at my school are well more gentle & tell all their students if im hitting or whatever to hard just let me know & I will not hit as hard but this guy didn’t do that!!!! I think im gonna stick with Kuk Sool Won from now on & NOT try any other martial arts styles at least for now!!!!

He also in the beginning had us do 100 jumping jacks & 50 of this other thing & 10 of this & 25 of that!

I hope he isn’t going to be an instructor at my school cause I can barely stand this other instructor’s warm up & matter of fact its like double of that instructor’s warm up twice as bad!!!! At one point I was actually thinking if he does become a instructor at my school then im gonna quit!! But I told one of my instructor’s that my toe was hurting & he pulled everyone over to the other side of the dojang while one of the student was still being instructed by the guest instructor. I learned the 4th form of Ki Cho Hyung & I almost got it down & ready for memorization !!! Plus I learned 2 more techniques which are 7 & 8 of Ki Bohn Soo

After class I was talking to this one guy that’s in my class & I explained how I broke the box in my Pointe shoe awhile back but he said that the big toe could just be jammed!!! It really hurts a lot! I just really what the pain to go away for good! It hurts as if I just broke the box in the Pointe shoe which can be very painful & I have experienced it before (that’s how it felt last nite!) & right now my big toe kinda hurts but not as bad as last nite!!! I just hope that I don’t have to bear this pain every time I go to class which will get worse afterwards!!!!

How can I get the pain to go away??? Any advice???  If you had what im having to deal with ( big toe jammed / joint) how did u get rid of the pain for good???

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ever Busy Week

Too much going on this week sadly I have to say that I had to not go to my kuk sool won classes!!! I only managed to go one time this week which was Monday! But it least I got to go. This week I had 2 different practices going on at the same day! I have church practice for this musical that the personal how is directing it wanted me to be at each practice which wasn't bad intill she told me it was on Monday Thursday & Saturday & the times for Monday & Thursday was 5-7pm !!! I told her that I worked in downtown that I will try to make the practices. I also told her that I will be at the Saturday one which starts at 9:30am but she told me that I didn't have to stay the whole day. I wonder if I should stay the whole day??? My part isn't intill the very end of the musical.. But after the practice im gonna get home as fast as my car can go & get into my swim top & some shorts then get outside & tan!!! So that I could get a good tan so that I would look great on the stage for the musical!!! I wonder what my sensei is going to say when I show up for class on Monday! lol
what am I going to tell him OMG!!!!

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!