Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back to class But was a real nightmare!!!

Well I felt glad to be back in my Kuk Sool Won school after about a week that felt like an enterity!!! When i got in there - there was only one student besides me & i saw another 2 walk in later but i though it was odd that we didn't start class like we always did & my sensei told us 2 to practice on our techniques then comes walking into the school this guy that i never saw before in my life well since i started there.
He asked my sensei if we were ready for him & then he went & changed & surprise he was ( I hope) just an guest instructor for only that class & not hopefully the rest of the week!!! You’ll will find out later why im saying all of this. He told us his background in martial arts in the different styles he has studied & the years to! So he had us warm up a different way then we usually do. At first it wasn’t bad but after we did a few warm-up drills & got to this one where we were galloping like horses then that’s when my big left toe started to hurt but I pressed on. We were doing this one technique (I don’t know if its from another style like Tae Kwon Do  or not) where one person stands in a left stance & the other person is gonna kick u full force on your upper thigh ! & of all people to be paired up with I got the guest instructor!!! Well at first I didn’t think it was going to be that bad but after the first kick/hit I knew I was in trouble!! So I just gathered up my guts & when the next kick hit came I knew I couldn’t continue but I just prayed to God asking him to help me survive the class!!! So the 3rd kick hit came & it hurt sooo much!!! Then the guest instructor moved on & then I was starting to get scared of him but it wasn’t that bad he would try to kick me but I blocked (like how he showed me how to do) then I did a round house kick & he slapped my foot & man did it hurt!!! We did that for about 3 times. Then I just couldn’t take any more so I asked him if I could PLEASE get some water & he allowed me to do so & I kinda escape for alittle while intill another instructor came in & told me to get back into the class .

The one thing I didn’t like was that our instructors at my school are well more gentle & tell all their students if im hitting or whatever to hard just let me know & I will not hit as hard but this guy didn’t do that!!!! I think im gonna stick with Kuk Sool Won from now on & NOT try any other martial arts styles at least for now!!!!

He also in the beginning had us do 100 jumping jacks & 50 of this other thing & 10 of this & 25 of that!

I hope he isn’t going to be an instructor at my school cause I can barely stand this other instructor’s warm up & matter of fact its like double of that instructor’s warm up twice as bad!!!! At one point I was actually thinking if he does become a instructor at my school then im gonna quit!! But I told one of my instructor’s that my toe was hurting & he pulled everyone over to the other side of the dojang while one of the student was still being instructed by the guest instructor. I learned the 4th form of Ki Cho Hyung & I almost got it down & ready for memorization !!! Plus I learned 2 more techniques which are 7 & 8 of Ki Bohn Soo

After class I was talking to this one guy that’s in my class & I explained how I broke the box in my Pointe shoe awhile back but he said that the big toe could just be jammed!!! It really hurts a lot! I just really what the pain to go away for good! It hurts as if I just broke the box in the Pointe shoe which can be very painful & I have experienced it before (that’s how it felt last nite!) & right now my big toe kinda hurts but not as bad as last nite!!! I just hope that I don’t have to bear this pain every time I go to class which will get worse afterwards!!!!

How can I get the pain to go away??? Any advice???  If you had what im having to deal with ( big toe jammed / joint) how did u get rid of the pain for good???

Lu 루
Keep Kick'n It UP!


  1. Reading your blog is like reliving my Kuk Sool Won journey. I cant wait to read more, keep it up. Andy

  2. Thanks Im glad you are enjoying my blog!!
